Displaying 51 - 60 of 71.
This article deals with the augmenting shaykhs’ hate discourse inside the mosques.
Copts celebrate the saints’ feasts despite the decision forbidding the celebration of mawalid.
The author blames the prevailing false religiousness in Egypt and contrasts it to the defective reality.
The Administrative Court approved the Azhar decision not to enroll Christian students at the Azhar University.
In recent years Egyptians’ fears about the lack of political liberalization have been allayed by the economic liberalization however in light of the global financial crisis it looks as though the economic reform may also be negatively affected.
The article discusses a lawsuit filed by the Evangelical church in Egypt to secure rights to build churches in new settlements.
The NCHR has proposed a unified law for houses of worship.
The Christian mother embroiled in a lawsuit with her ex-husband over the custody of their two children has claimed that she will not give custody of her children over to her Muslim husband.
The article covers issues that have made the headlines in Egypt in the last month and includes the story of a postman was detained for two months, a fatwá thatwas issued declaring that non-Muslims are not apostates and the contentious issue of a piece of land near St. Macarius monastery that has...
The author discusses the need to preserve the Egyptian heritage, and how everybody should immerse themselves in this process, providing examples of how historical areas have been allowed to fall into disrepair.


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