Displaying 61 - 70 of 71.
In a recent courtroom incident a Muslim lawyer claimed there is no Christianity in Egypt and tried to attack the Christian lawyer Najīb Jibrā’īl.
The authors discuss a road that was paved on land owned by the church in St. Marina, and the issues that arose following the road’s construction regarding the legal ownership of the land.
A new alleged forced disappearance of an 18-year-old Coptic lady sparks protests in Egypt. The woman’s family and a considerable number of Copts are carrying out sit-ins at the church. The family accuses security forces of carelessness. Rumors spread about her escape to marry a Muslim colleague.
The article discusses the postponement of a lawsuit filed by the Middle East Christians Association against the president of the republic, the prime minister, the interior minister, the justice minister, and the social solidarity minister demanding that the Coptic victims of al-Koshh receive...
A group of Coptic Orthodox laymen held a conference in which participants proposed new rules for choosing the patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church. The list of rules is meant to replace those that were issued in 1957. They suggested that the future patriarch be a married layman. The church and...
The author discusses the “much-need” unified law for building houses of worship and the difficulties that it is facing in parliament. He highlights some human rights organization’s agenda for the law.
The article presents an interview between Watani newspaper and Dr. Muhammad Guweili. Dr. Guweili discusses the importance of having one law to regulate the construction of houses of worship, be they designed for Muslims or Christians. He considers what obstacles would need to be overcome in order...
Youssef Sidhom discusses the 37 year long struggle of the Copts of Alexandria to build a church in Maamoura.
In this article, Mustafa Mahmoud speaks about the true meaning of Shari’a [Islamic law], to whom it has been given and on whose shoulders rests the responsibility of applying it. He comments on the attitude of those who exploit Shari’a in their demonstration saying what Khalid Mohammed Khalid said...
After recounting the consequences of publishing the novel "A Banquet for Seaweed", the writers expose their conversation with Sheikh Abu Al-Wafa Agor, the General Secretary of the Islamic Researches complex, in which he give his opinion concerning the events of the "Banquet".


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