Displaying 1 - 3 of 3.
Subtitles: Ibn Khaldoun Center sets a sectarian mutiny ablaze in Egypt. A call for federal Coptic rule, and to arm all minorities in the Arab world. The UN charter about minorities, an outset to the crumbling colonization plan in the area. El-Sha’ab of July 18, accuses Dr. Saad el-Din...
Egypt is often criticized abroad for its treatment of its Christian citizens. Prominent Coptic thinker Dr. Milad Hanna, confirmed that equality between Muslims and Christians is not there. Lu’iy Mahmoud Sa’id, himself a Muslim, describes how Muslim authors attacked Milad Hanna for stating his view...
The article is based on two interviews with Dr. Tareq Mitri, a Lebanese professor and the head of the Islamic-Christian dialogue section at the World Council of Churches [and member of the Board of Advisors of AWR] and Coptic researcher Samir Marcos, counselor of inter-civilizational dialogue...
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