Displaying 1 - 10 of 63.
Human rights activist and member of the Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms, Mīnā Thābit, uncovered that the Egyptian national security apparatus demanded a church to remove a marble plaque, commemorating the lives of those lost in front of the Maspero Television building in 2011.  The...
Dr. ʿIṣām Sharaf, former Egyptian Prime Minister, praised the ideas being proposed to renew religious discourse, affirming that this issue [also] necessitates renewing “cultural discourse.”
Thousands of Christians and Muslims attended the ceremony to enthrone Bishop Tawāḍrus II as the 118th Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church in succession of Pope Shinūdā III, who passed away in March. [Ashraf Sādiq, al-Ahrām, Nov. 19, p. 1] Read original text in Arabic
In recent weeks the Muslim Brotherhood has been engaged in public squabbles with the military council over formation of the government. According to most interpretations of the constitutional declaration which guides the transition in Egypt, the presidency – here the military council – has the...
One year ago this evening Egypt was rocked by an explosion in Alexandria, killing twenty-one and injuring over 170, at the Two Saints’ Church in the Sīdī Bishr region. One year before that, at Coptic Christmas on January 7, six Christians were killed along with a Muslim security guard at a church...
As an American Christian in Egypt I find that I instinctively view events here through the following lens: Liberals are the good guys, Islamists are the bad guys, and the army is somewhere in between, perhaps neutral, perhaps not. Complicated times beg for simplistic narratives, and this one...
  The fact-finding committee, headed by Minister of Justice Muhammad al-Jundī, has finished preparations for its report on the names of the unlicensed NGOs which have received foreign funds, breaching the sovereignty of the state and national security.  
The governors' council discussed with Dr. 'Isām Sharaf, Prime Minister, the preparations for the upcoming elections. The PM also called for a fast counting of unlicensed churches to be included in preparing the draft law that will regulate building houses of worship. Read original text in Arabic
Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III told Prime Minister 'Isām Sharaf that the Copts were marching peacefully and did not carry any weapons, urging the Egyptian premier to speed up the enactment of a unified law regulating the construction of houses of worship so as to avoid repetition of the Maspero...
Clashes erupted between the military and the Copts during the latters' protests off the state TV building in Maspero, on October 9, 2011, leaving nearly 24 Copts dead and 212 others injured. Some reports mentioned the death of three army soldiers and 100 others injured.  


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