Displaying 4591 - 4600 of 5773.
A Russian newspaper wrote that 5% of the majority Muslim population of the Kyrgyzstan Republic converted to Christianity as a result of the missionary activities carried out by Christian organizations in former Soviet republics. The head of the Kyrgyzstani Committee for Religious Affairs Amrazak...
For the first time in the history of Egypt, a Coptic thinker, Dr. Nabil Luqa Bebawi, has obtained a doctoral degree in Islamic Shari’a. The topic of his dissertation was “The rights and duties of non-Muslims in an Islamic state.” He said he chose this topic because Islam as revealed through the...
In his study “Responding to Christians until the fourth hejri [Islamic calendar] century,” Abdel Meguid Al-Sharafy named more than 60 books and research papers to respond to Christians and argue with them. This file examines past confrontations [between Islam and Christianity] and studies the...
The hate of Islam and Muslims became a very obvious phenomenon in Western society. If you listen to radio, watch TV or read newspapers you will hear and read words of insults and defamation to all what is Islamic. This is in addition to books that are written especially to provoke people against...
Sheikh Saleh Bin Abdel Aziz Ale [إل ] Al-Sheikh, the Saudi Minister of Islamic Affairs, Awqaf, Da’wa, and Guidance, revealed that some mosque preachers in Saudi Arabia are supporting the ideologies of misled, deviated groups. Addressing a gathering of preachers and imams at the Saudi...
When New York and Washington were attacked on September 11, 2001, anti-Islamic groups--which control the mass media, especially in America--used these attacks to spread the false concept that terrorism is a product of Islam. This accusation was spread widely in an attempt to link Islam with...
A number of Islamic organizations in France, including the Paris Grand Mosque, urged Muslim students and their families to abide by local laws and the secularism of French public schools. A statement issued by these organizations urged [female] students “to avoid all forms of clash.” The French...
People’s attraction to religion is not only due to fear of death or any other single motive. According to a new psychological theory about religion, there are 16 psychological needs that motivate people to search for a certain meaning in religion. This theory was constructed by Steven Reis,...
Pope Shenouda III, the Pope of Alexandria and the Patriarch of the See of Saint Mark consecrated a new Orthodox church for expatriate Copts in Vienna. The consecration came in the last day of the Papal visit to Austria that lasted for four days. (Similar news was reported by Asharq Al-Awsat, July...
In an interview with Sabāh al-Khayr, Bishop Dr. Youhannā Qulta, Deputy Patriarch of the Coptic-Catholic Church in Egypt, teaches us how to love and understand both life and ourselves.


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