Displaying 11 - 20 of 72.
Meanwhile, Orthodox churches in Egypt are holding the Coptic Christmas Mass today amidst tight security measures as the Mass will be led by Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III at the Saint Mark Cathedral in the Cairo district of al-‘Abbāssīyah.   The Mass will be attended by delegations representing...
Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III ordered Archpriest Sergius Sergius, deputy of the patriarchate for administrative affairs, to send Coptic Orthodox Christmas Mass invitations to all political parties including the Salafī ones like al-Asālah (Authenticity), al-Fadīlah (Virtue) and al-Nūr (Light) as...
Dr. ‘Abd al-Rahmān al-Barr, member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Guidance Office (al-Irshād Office), issued a fatwá banning greeting Copts in Easter. The Muslim Brotherhood Muftī continued that the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is against Muslims’ doctrine because Jesus or ‘Isá (as Muslims say) did...
Officials from the U.S. Embassy in Cairo asked to meet the underaged Coptic girls who were kidnapped during the last two years and relate the reality of their abduction and forced conversion to Islam. The U.S. wanted this information for their annual report on religious freedom in the Middle East,...
Dr. Muhammad ‘Imād al-Dīn, member of the parliament for the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), said that since the FJP have the largest percentage of seats in the People’s Assembly and the Shurá Council are of the FJP, 50 percent. Consequently, they would settle in its favor the argument over the...
Islamic movements continued their preparations for participation in the Friday of identity and stability in a million-man protest due to be staged in Tahrīr Square and other major squares across Egypt.
The electoral coordination committee of the democratic alliance calls on its parties to nominate Copts in various proportions on its lists. Dr. Wahīd 'Abd al-Majīd, head of electoral coordination committee, states to al-Misrī al-Yawm that they called on the parties to nominate Copts on their lists...
Islamist parties called on military Chief of Staff Sami Anan during a meeting on Saturday to end the state of emergency, apply the Treachery Law against former National Democratic Party (NDP) members, hand over power to a civilian government before June 2012, cancel Article 5 from the new elections...
The Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) concluded a closed conference by warning the ruling military council against issuing general constitutional principles, and against preventing elected lawmakers from choosing the constituent assembly that will draft the new constitution. "The...
The Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party concluded a closed conference Tuesday by warning the ruling military council against issuing general constitutional principles. The party's executive committee, the secretaries of its branches and political candidates participated in the meeting....


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