Displaying 31 - 40 of 72.
Fifteen members of the Wasat Party tendered their resignations on Wednesday, claiming party leaders were favoring wealthy and prominent members at the expense of ordinary ones.
A number of expatriate Copts from the European Coptic Union (UECOHR) refuse any dialogue with the Muslim Brotherhood group.
The Political Parties' Affairs Committee on June 6, 2011 accepted the documents of the Freedom and Justice Party, Muslim Brotherhood's (MB) party, and the party officially began its activities. Read original text in Arabic    
Presidential candidate 'Abd al-Mun'im Abū al-Futūh said he is counting on support from salafists, who he said are greater in number than the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). “Salafists have been preaching in the mosques for 30 years under Mubārak without being persecuted like the Muslim Brotherhood,” he...
The Muslim Brotherhood rejects the idea of releasing Mubārak in exchange for ceding his money, saying that it is against Sharī'ah. Read original text in Arabic
On Thursday May 12, 2011, designated Lebanese Prime Minister Najīb Miqātī met with a Muslim Brotherhood (MB) delegation that was headed by Muhammad Badī’. "This is the first time in the history of the group that the MB’s guide has traveled outside the country and met with officials abroad."...
The Muslim Brotherhood offices named the list of deputies at the People's Assembly (parliament) elections.
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB)'s Freedom and Justice Party is currently in the last stage of submitting its application to the Party Affairs Committee. According to the article at hand, 15 percent of the party’s 9,000 founders are not MB members. “Among them is the prominent Coptic thinker Rafīq Habīb...
On Saturday, May 7, 2011, more than 50,000 people attended a march of the Muslim Brotherhood and salafīs in Giza. Protesters emphasized the unity of the MB and salafīsts, chanting that both aim at applying Islamic sharī'ah in Egypt. Salafī preacher Safwat Hijāzī condemned the burning of a church...
Young members of the Muslim Brotherhood are objecting the appointment of MB senior figure Muhammad Mursī as the group's party leader, 'Isām al-'Iryān as its deputy leader and Sa‘d al-Katātnī as its secretary general. According to a young MB member, their appointment ignored opinions of the party’s...


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