Date of source: الاثنين, آذار (مارس) 23, 2015
Egypt deletes Salah al-Din and Uqba ibn Nafi from the curriculum
The Egyptian ministry of education decided to delete paragraphs about Salah al-Din and Uqba ibn Nafi from the curriculum since they allegedly promoted violence and extremism among the people, since their popularity among Muslims is...
Date of source: السبت, نيسان (أبريل) 11, 2015
Sources: The government of Yemen is considering severing diplomatic relations with Iran
Sources have revealed that the government of Yemen is considering severing diplomatic ties with Iran following attacks by students on the Yemeni Embassy in Tehran. This comes after Iran has expressed its...
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Christianity in the Arab World was flourishing in relative terms prior to the First World War and consequent break-up of the Ottoman Empire.
Date of source: الأحد, نيسان (أبريل) 5, 2015
Al-Ghanu̅shi̅: We did not hold the presidency in order to protect the nascent democracy and to avoid the fate of Egypt
Speaking at an event for the I̅bn al-Rashid Prize for Freedom of Thought, Ra̅shid al-Ghanu̅shi̅, the head of the Islamic Revival Movement in Tunis, has stated that the movement...
Date of source: السبت, كانون الثاني (يناير) 10, 2015
The Pope of Ethiopia: the Renaissance Dam will not harm Egypt
Pope Matyāof Ethiopia thanked Pope Tawadros for his invitation to visit Egypt and reiterated his belief in the necessity of developing the relationship between the two parishes. Pope Matyā assured Pope Tawadros that all of the impact...
Date of source: السبت, حزيران (يونيو) 23, 2012
CAIRO, Egypt (AWR) – The standoff between Muslim Brothers and Egypt's ruling military continues, but seems to be turning into a victory for the army over the Brothers.
The Muslim Brothers organized large demonstrations at Tahrir square on Friday. The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (Scaf)...
Date of source: الثلاثاء, حزيران (يونيو) 28, 2016
John R. Bradley, a British author and journalist best known for his 2008 book Inside Egypt: the Land of the Pharaohs on the Brink of a Revolution, identifies the Egyptian revolution of 1952 as “a failed revolution” that ended Egypt’s belle époque of the 1930s and 1940s’ cultural heyday. The author...
Date of source: الأربعاء, حزيران (يونيو) 13, 2012
The Muslim Brotherhood is a difficult subject to tackle. Some of this is the fault of others – there appears to be significant bias against them in many quarters. Some of this is their own fault – they are a closed organization accountable to no government oversight.
Date of source: الجمعة, كانون اﻷول (ديسمبر) 16, 2011
This third and final article on Shaykh Usāmah al-Qūsī focuses on a matter closest to his heart and specialization of study: The sunna of Muhammad, that is, what he said and did outside the recorded testimony of the Qur'ān. Whereas article one provided his life history in pursuit of this knowledge,...
Date of source: الجمعة, كانون اﻷول (ديسمبر) 16, 2011
One must be cautious when writing about religious leaders, as they have mastered the art of speaking to an audience. Humans have a penchant for self-deception and self-justification; when mixed with religious language manipulation is easily manufactured, even if unintentionally advanced. People who...