Displaying 431 - 440 of 1654.
One of the most confusing aspects of the recent clashes in Tahrīr Square is why they happened at all. The basic story, told at length here, is that a small group of sit-in protestors were dispersed violently by police, and as word spread more and more protestors joined their ranks. Eventually...
The morning of elections, I marveled at the political acumen of the Muslim Brotherhood. By afternoon, I was disappointed. At polling stations across Egypt the Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party volunteers manned tables equipped with laptop computers and logged into the voter registration...
CH: We received this document from the Azhar through Dr. Nagia Abdelmoghney Said. The Azhar document is dated June 19, 2011. It was referred to in a recent meeting with Yousef Sidhom, editor-in-chief of Watani, and several others. It thus is an important document to refer to.  
Dr. Ahmad al-Tayīb, the Azhar's Grand Shaykh, called on the Ministry of Interior Affairs to immediately ceasefire against the protesters. Shaykh al-Tayīb called on the Egyptian Armed Forces to avoid any confrontations among the people. Read original text in Arabic
As an American Christian in Egypt I find that I instinctively view events here through the following lens: Liberals are the good guys, Islamists are the bad guys, and the army is somewhere in between, perhaps neutral, perhaps not. Complicated times beg for simplistic narratives, and this one...
This is the very question many people are asking about the Muslim Brotherhood following the Egyptian Revolution of January 25, 2011. While the world was enthralled by a peaceful youth movement to overthrow a corrupt regime, many feared then, and more fear now, that the aftermath will result in...
PVV spokesman for Foreign Affairs, Raymond de Roon, MP for the party of Geert Wilders, published on October 11th a blacklist of “Islamic Violence Against Christians in Egypt in 2011”. This list is a simplified version of what was previously published in (internet) publications in the West—many of...
The Maspero Youth Union urged the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) to offer an official apology for all Copts of Egypt and investigate the October 9 bloody incidents that left dozens killed or wounded.
The Freedom and Justice Party's (FJP) vice president 'Isām al-'Iryān held a meeting with Egyptian investors in order to identify their political and economic trends, and called on them to support the tourism sector in order to encourage growth in the Egyptian economy. This statement was made...
  Safwat 'Abd al-Ghāni, a representative for al-Jamā‘ah al-Islāmiyyah, has revealed that the party will run in the upcoming parliamentary elections to compete for 20 percent of the seats.  


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