Displaying 471 - 480 of 1654.
Seventy-seven percent voted for 'Yes' [18.7 million voters] in the referendum over constitutional amendments, which reveals the power of political Islam [salafists, Muslim Brotherhood and al-Wasat party] in convincing the people, while political parties and the January 25 Revolution Coalition...
Political powers agreed on the need to accept the results of the recent referendum over constitutional amendments, which resulted in 77.2% in favor of these changes, and called for preparing for the parliament elections.
  The Military Council announced a decision to release sixty prisoners who served half their time in jail. Among them are some political prisoners. Furthermore, Tāriq 'Abd al-Mawjūd al-Zumur and ‘Abūd ‘Abd al-Latīf al-Zumur, who were accused to be involved in the murder of, ex-president Muhammad...
My fifteen years living in Egypt has given me a lot of connections, including Egyptian diplomats, who are now providing me with stories about current developments in Egypt. It is very common among diplomats that they are ready to give visitors an off the record insight in what is happening in their...
On Tuesday 15 February, a commission from the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church met Pope Shenouda III, during which they issued the following statement: “The Coptic Church salutes Egypt’s honourable young people who on 25 January 2011 led Egypt through a powerful white revolution. To that...
It will probably only much later that we will understand what a pivotal role the peaceful protests in Tahrir square played for the transformation of an entire region which is still developing.  
We find it special to experience these events in Egypt. It is, however, not our first such experience. In 1998 we lived in Jakarta and experienced the fall of Suharto, 2nd president of Indonesia (1967-1998). We moved to Macedonia, just when the Kosovo war started. We also experienced the civil war...
As so many many also Worldvision called us for information. But providing information does not always result in reporting that we would agree to. We introduced Worldvision to a medical doctor who is a good friend of ours. This is what they reported:   Weeks of protests in Egypt in the midst of...
Editor: Dr. Nagia Abdelmoghney Said is a longtime member of the board of the Egyptian Moral Rearmament Association, an Egyptian peace movement with Muslim and Christian members. The Egyptian MRA is part of Initiatives of Change in Europe.    
Yesterday, we saw a lot of young people sweeping the sidewalk along the Corniche near Tahrir Square.  Today other young people are cleaning our street too, but just sweeping up the dust on the sidewalk, not really collecting the garbage .  Meanwhile, the uniformed street sweepers were sitting on...


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