Displaying 541 - 550 of 1654.
The book One Nation; One People, was compiled and written byAl-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies in 1982. The book provides a scientific analysis of the question of national unity in Egypt.
The following article presents the full text of the interview with His Royal Highness Prince Hassan of Jordan.
The following article presents a text from Christianity Today, discussing an interview between His Royal Highness Prince Hassan Ibn Talal and Drs. Cornelis Hulsman. He discusses his drive to preserve the Arab Christian world.
A book entitled ’al-Aqbāt ‘Abr al-Tārīkh’ [Copts Across History] which was published by Dār al-Khayāl in Cairo and London, details the history of the Copts , their life, traditions, language, arts and political evolution.
The ninth International Conference for Coptic Studies was held in Cairo recently. Over 150 Coptic scholars from different countries around the world participated in the conference, however the media was not allowed to attend the conference.
Drs. Hulsman responds to Jamāl As’ad’s article in which he claimed that the Bishop of Qūssīyah tried and failed to stir up tensions between Muslims and Christians.
The article describes the events of the first Coptic Studies Symposium that was recently held at the University of Toronto.
The article in Al-Akhbar, November 19, 2004 [AWR, 2004, week 47, art. 13] resulted in a discussion about reversal of values, something that has happened often in the history of writing 'history' and 'counter history,' including Jewish-Christian history with accusations [anti-Semitism] and counter-...
An article from al-Hayah reports on the thousands of Armenians who are commemorating the 93rd anniversary of the massacres perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire against the Armenians in 1915.
’Lost History’’ by former U.S diplomat and writer Michael Hamilton Morgan seeks to bridge the gap between Islam and the West and to provide a better understanding of the Islamic civilization.


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