Displaying 861 - 870 of 1654.
The Egyptian embassy estimated that only four Egyptian people had been killed in the attack on the WTC. However, community representatives said there were more than one hundred. There were 350 assaults during the week following the attacks including a rape. The number of business marriages, aimed...
The author expressed his surprise at the fact that while Arabs and Muslims condemn the West’s tendency to accuse all Muslims and Arabs of being criminals once an Arab and or a Muslim commits a crime, they behaved as if they had been accused and hurried to apologize for something they had not done.
Sermons from pastors at the Maadi Community Church on ’The Da Vinci Code’ and its attack on Christianity.
An interview with Egyptian artist Farīd Fādil, including discussion of his views on Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt, ’Christian art’ and Leonardo da Vinci and the controversial book, ’The Da Vinci Code’.
The author believes that Islam rescued eastern Christianity from being exterminated during the Byzantine period. He then says it is ingratitude of the Egyptian church to begin a policy of Christianizing Muslims.
Spokesman of the legally banned Muslim Brotherhood and member of the Irshād [guidance] Office, ‘Isām al-‘Iryān, claims that the former minister of education, Husayn Kāmil Bahā’ al-Dīn has praised the Brotherhood’s efforts to reach out to the Egyptian public and has encouraged the group to maintain...
Dr. Muhammad Mourou believes that there is a kind of relationship between contemporary Islamic movements and the Khawārij. [Reviewer: The Khariji are members of a deviant Islamic group that broke away from the Orthodox caliph, ‘Alī Ibn Abī Tālib, and murdered him]. Admitting that both groups have...
The author responds to the Muslim Brotherhood’s vision on the relationship between politics and religion.
Brotherhood members believe that Mubārak was once a member of their group and another member affirms that Mubārak’s uncle was a member of the Brotherhood.
Dīnā Wadīʿreports on the historical importance of the Hanging Church as well as its architectural design. She believes that the church represents one of the most important Christian historical monuments in Cairo.


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