Displaying 901 - 910 of 1654.
The article is about a crisis in relations between Egypt and the US over the decision of the American administration to cut $2 millions of the annual aid given to Egypt and granting them to Ibn Khaldoun Center run by Saad Eddin Ibrahim. The authors elaborate on explaining the dimensions of the...
The article reports about two studies discussed in the conference held under the title “Religious thought in a rapidly changing world” which was organized by the forum of the dialogue of cultures at the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services.
The article is about the possibilities of releasing Aboud Al-Zomor who was sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of attempting to carry out a coup and forming a terrorist group which perpetrated crimes during 1980 and 1981. The family of Aboud Al-Zomor filed a complaint before the State Council...
The article is an interview with Al-Nabawi Ismael, the minister of interior at the time of Sadat. He comments on the acquittal of members of the Al-Gama’a Al-Islamiya. He also comments on the Muslims Brotherhood group and the relation between Sadat and Islamic groups.
Problems in obtaining a permit to worship in a building of Khalas Nafous, a Protestant organization, in Ezbet Rufail, al-Qussia. Reporting about the Martyr Michael church in Assiut.
The article is an interview with Dr. Abdel-Mo´ti Bayoumi. He comments on ijtihad, secularism and the legality of women issuing fatwas. He also comments on his expectation of being appointed rector of the Azhar University.
The article is an interview with the new Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Ali Gom´a. He comments on the issues of Sufism, renewing the religious discourse, issuing fatwas, modern Islamic preachers, Islam-West relations, apostasy in Islam, hisba lawsuits and applying the hudood [punishments for certain sins] of...
Twelve members of the extremist Islamic group “Al-Takfir Wa Al-Higra” were recently seized. The group attempts to revive the activities of the old “Al-Takfir Wa Al-Higra” group led by Shukri Mustafa
The writer comments on the decision of releasing Karam Zuhdi and raises a question: Did Karam Zuhdi sell Aboud Al-Zumor, his master, to the government?
The Administrative Judiciary Court accepted a lawsuit by Said Muhammad Hassan against the Sheikh of Al Azhar. The court permitted the publication of his three books that the Islamic Research Institute rejected.


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