Displaying 11 - 14 of 14.
The dilemma of Riddah [apostasy] occupied the Muslim society in the past and present. Some people believe that there is no punishment for apostasy at all. Others believe that the punishment for apostasy should be harsh, citing the single hadith in the Prophetic Sunna about apostasy [if anyone...
The article discusses the issue of the punishment for apostasy from Islam. The author explains the opinion of the Grand Imam of the Azhar, which he expressed while in a visit to Germany. Dr. Tantawi explained that a Muslim who commits apostasy is not punished until he sets himself as an enemy...
Members of the Islamic Research Institute demanded Sheikh Abdel-Met’aal Al-Sa’idi’s book "Religious freedom in Islam," be confiscated. Al-Saiidi wrote in his book that an apostate should not be killed. It was only Prof. Mohammed Ragab Al-Bayoumi who defended the book.
... we asked the professors of the Azhar and Islamic scholars for their opinion on what Al-Banna says. Their rage and objections against what he said surprised us. They made it clear that the apostate’s punishment is death and that a Muslim has no freedom to leave his religion.


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