Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
Muḥammad ‘Aṭif discusses the concept of the unity of religions.
Muhammad ‘Imarah compares the difference between the Islamic model of Arabic culture and the secular model of Western culture.
In an attempt to promote its recent non-violent approach, al -Jamā‘ah al- Islāmīyah has launched a website, which the author says marks a considerable change in the ideological stance of the "banned" Islamic group.
The author argues that the religion received by all prophets is the religion of Islam and that this is mentioned in the Qur´an. He believes that the religion of Islam is the only religion accepted by God.
Islam complements all preceding heavenly religions [Judaism and Christianity]. “He hath ordained for you that religion which He commended unto Noah, and that which We inspire in thee (Muhammad), and that which We commended unto Abraham and Moses and Jesus, saying: Establish the religion, and be not...
The author expressed the opinion that Islam is the sealed religion and the only religion accepted by God. He quoted many Qura’nic verses to prove that all prophets starting from Noah and ending by Jesus Christ had called for Islam.
Accusing Muslims of rejecting Christianity and Judaism because of their belief in Islam is an absurdity. The Qur’an and the Sunna acknowledges both religions through their belief in Moses and Jesus Christ. It is true that there are some Muslims who are stubborn regarding the acceptance of the other...
The author believes that faith cannot be the product of compulsion. It is unimaginable that any heavenly religion, Judaism, Christianity or Islam, can be founded on compulsion to join it. These three religions accepted and approved the religions that came before them: Judaism tells stories of the...
[Kitabis: lit.: "people of the Book" i.e., Christians and Jews] The author believes that the Coptic candidate of the Wafd, Mounir Fakhri Abdel-Nour, suffered a ridiculous attack in the name of religion by his Muslim opponent who distributed a flyer including some Qur’anic verses, aiming to distract...
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