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This article deals with the relationship between the Qur’ān and the Sunnah, as well as the role of the Sunnah in Islamic theology. It sheds light on some movements that aim at destroying religion by calling to eliminate the use of the Sunnah.
Sawt al-Umma interviews leader of the Qur’ānīyīn group, Dr. Ahamd Subhī Mansour, over his controversial views on the Sunna.
Dr. Abdel Azeem Al-Mat’ani rejects the opinions Khalil Abdel Kareem as expressed in his book “Al-Nass Al-Mu’assis Wa Mujtama’u.” Abdel-Kareem believes that the Qur’an is an earthly made and not a heavenly revealed book and that its verses came up either to justify the mistakes of the Prophet and...
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