Displaying 21 - 30 of 36.
Excommunication is the capital punishment that can be handed down to a clergyman, if he committed an irrecoverable mistake. A priest said that there is no written ecclesiastical law for excommunication, which means that it is a punishment that is left to the judgment of the bishops.
The author believes that his journey with a group of journalists to Al-Muharraq Monastery is a symbolic journey from ignorance to knowledge. Egyptian Muslims and Christians suffer from their ignorance about each other. Knowledge is their way out of any problem between them.
The Copts Daily Digest reported that the website of the US Copts Association was hacked by a Muslim. The hacker reported he doesn´t like their website and wanted to scare them. The US Copts Association reported that they are frequently threatened on Muslim sites but were not able to produce more...
The Cairo Appeal Court set November 24 as a date for the expelled monk Barsoum Al-Moharaqi to be tried before the Supreme State Security Court. The Supreme State Security Prosecution has charged him with disdaining Christianity, assuming the identity of a clergyman, violating the laws of national...
The defense of the editor-in-chief of Al-Nabaa quoted Bishop Marqos of Shoubra El-Kheima who said that expelled monks get a chance to repent and return to the monastery. Lawyers for the church objected to this quote and had a loud argument with the defense in the courtroom.
The Coptic thinker Dr. Milad Hanna believes that the policy of the late president Sadat towards the Islamic groups is the reason behind the appearance of the Coptic file from time to time at the top of events in Egypt. He is in favor of the idea of forming a committee of wise people containing...
No lawyer wants to defend the expelled monk Barsoum Al-Moharraqi, whose trial will begin soon. One of the expelled monk’s relatives contacted a Coptic lawyer to defend him. But the lawyer said that his agreement depends on the agreement of Pope Shenouda.
The article gives all the details about how Al-Nabaa crisis started and about the legal procedures that were taken against the paper. It also gives part of the transcripts of the Higher State Security’s interrogations with the Editor-in-Chief of Al-Nabaa. In the interrogations, the editor in chief...
Bishop Saweris, the confession father of the expelled monk, said that he confessed his sins three months before he was expelled in 1996. The bishop said he tried to reform him after he became suspicious about his behavior. When failed to reform him, he expelled him from the monastic order and...
Pope Shenouda described the way President Mubarak handled the crisis as very wise and described the reaction of the Journalists’ Syndicate as brave and strict. He thanked the Muslims of Egypt who supported the Copts during their crisis, the Grand Sheikh of the Azhar and the Mufti.


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