Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
Many decisions taken later by the Erdogan government were incompatible with the U.S. interests as Washington found out that Erdogan and his party were stuck to their conservative Islamic popular platform whenever the need arises.
According to recent statistics, one in three Turkish women are subjected to physical domestic violence.
During the last few decades, Muslim minorities in the West have been the target of racist attacks and discrimination. The authors provide examples of racism in Europe, but argue that the situation is even worse in the United States.
There is a wide-ranged white slavery [sex traffic] affair that afflicts countries like Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and Romania, on different levels. Dr. Sema Erder, a Turkish researcher in the social sciences, commented saying that the targeted women in sex slavery are young...
Honor crimes are committed day and night by followers of all religions. The irony is that Arab and Islamic societies that believe in the idea that honor lies in the virginity of females, simultaneously have scholars that confirm that the hymen is not a proof of virginity. This article examines the...
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