Displaying 1 - 10 of 17.
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) was established in 2002.  Its goal was to strengthen and defend basic rights and freedoms in Egypt.  However, since its founding 18 years ago, it has become clear that its real goal was to attack the Egyptian state and constantly try to bring down...
The author reports on news about the arrest of a radical group, which police says it linked al-Qā‘idah combining a ‘sleeping cell’ in Egypt.
‘Amr Fārūq accuses Coptic activists in the West and their organizations of trying to inflame the situation in Egypt by promoting sectarianism.
In an unprecedented move, 120 of the banned Muslim Brotherhood members have been released, reducing the number of detainees to less than 150, when two months ago there were more than a thousand members in prison. Some have described the decision as a conciliatory move made by the Ministry of...
While Egyptian non-Catholic churches expressed their angry reactions to the Vatican document, Catholic figures, including the director of the Holy See’s Press Office, declared that the document was mainly to clarify Catholic doctrinal issues and was not intended to offend any church or denomination...
The article says that a lack of supervision has provided an opportunity for the establishment of many non-governmental organizations [NGOs] whose purpose is to spread extremism.
The author vehemently attacks the Muslim Brotherhood and divulges their “devilish” plans to recruit new university students into the organization.
The author reviews a number of intellectuals’ viewpoints regarding rumored talks between the US administration and the banned Muslim Brotherhood.
The author tackles the recent statement presented by the Muslim Brotherhood’s members of parliament to the speaker demanding a break in relations with Israel after the killing of two Egyptian soldiers on the Egyptian-Israeli border.
A quarrel broke out at the Administrative Court between the president of the Bar Association and the Muslim Brotherhood


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