Displaying 71 - 80 of 150.
Upcoming changes to the National Council of Human Rights are discussed and their impact on the council’s members.
The vice president of the Egyptian Council for Human Rights, Ahmad Kamāl Abū al-Majd, presented a list of constitutional amendments. In response, many voices in and outside the council claimed that these demands were not of the council’s authority. The Egyptian press described the council’s...
The review deals with the various reactions on al-Ghad weekly supplement entitled “the worst ten figures in Islamic history. Muslim scholars and intellectuals’ opinions are displayed, together with al-Ghad members and leaders’ opinions.
This article discusses the role of the National Council for Human Rights and the freedom of expression.
A report on constitutional amendments provoked fierce disagreement between members of the National Council for Human Rights, some of whom were accused of departing from the terms of reference under which the council was created.
After Dr. Ahmad Kamāl Abū al-Majd’s proposition regarding amendments to the political constitutional, the Human Rights Council witnessed disagreements among its members. The following lines shed light on some of the Council members’ opinions.
The author questions whether the National Council for Human Rights is authorized to propose amendments to the constitution to be presented to the President and whether they are mere proposals or to be considered binding.
The deputy head of the National Council for Human Rights (N.C.H.R.), Dr. Kamāl Abū al-Majd, said in a press conference that members of the council have unanimously agreed on the importance of amending articles 76 and 77 of the Egyptian constitution, which deal with the nomination of the...
Discussions are being held to legalize the status of N.G.Os and civil society organizations working in Egypt.
The National Council of Human rights discusses the proposed unified law for houses of worship in Egypt.


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