Displaying 1 - 10 of 15.
The Palestinian intifāḍa at Shaykh Jarrāḥ in Jerusalem coincides with a deep-seated problem facing Palestinian resistance organizations and questions the wisdom of agreements signed by Arab countries recently to normalize relations with Israel under the pretext of achieving peace between Arabs and...
As the Coptic Museum in Cairo turns 100 years old, this article reflects on the museum’s history, collections, and features. It also highlights the museum’s centenary celebration, which was attended by Grand Mufti ‘Alī Jum‘ah, as well as Egyptian actor ‘Umar al-Sharīf. In addition, the article also...
The internationally acclaimed conductor and pianist Daniel Barenboim gave his first performance in Egypt at the Cairo Opera House on April 16. His visit has received mixed reviews from Egyptians.
The author compares various media treatments of the Abu Fana incidents and other recent issues in Muslim-Christian relations. He asserts that the media treatment of the incidents was insufficient and influenced by the government.
Two authors write about the Greek Catholic cemetery in Old Cairo, describing it as a remarkable museum that contains precious materials and works of art.
The Italian TV film ’St. Peter’ staring ‘Umar al-Sharīf seems to have sparked a debate between the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church as it suggests that St. Peter the Apostle was the chief disciple, a view that the Orthodox Church denies.
The article discusses the film Hasan wa-Marqus [Hasan and Marqus] that deals with the dangers of religious extremism.
Islamic Sharī‘ah does not allow for both men and women to kill their partner when catching them red handed committing adultery, and called for the judiciary to rule on the matter.
Discussion of the film of the life of St. Peter, starring Egyptian actor ‘Umar al- Sharīf, and more comments on ‘The Da Vinci Code’.
Wā’il Lutfī provides an overview of the French novel, Monsieur Ibrahim et Les Fleurs du Coran by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, and critiques its representation of Muslims.


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