Displaying 1 - 10 of 12.
Summary: On the fourth anniversary of the celebration of “international access to information day,” the Egyptian Observatory for Journalism and Media (EOJM) published a research paper entitled “Freedom of information in Egypt...a constitutional principle without legal regulation.” In the report,...
Judicial sources within the Ministry of Justice have revealed that Minister of Justice Ahmad Mikkī will go to the presidential office with an initiative to solve the crisis which has come as a result of clashes between supporters and opponents of President Mursī. 
Egypt State Information Service (SIS) translated the news story came in al-Ahrām on August 25 about President’s Mursī decree to cancel holding into custody measure in publishing crimes. The following is the text as it came on SIS: Minister of Justice Ahmad Mekki told "Al-Ahram" newspaper on...
Al-Ahrām ran a brief piece on the background of Counsellor Mahmūd Mikī, the new Vice President.
Counselor Ahmad Mikkī, the minister of justice, said President Muhammad Mursī’s decision to abolish the complementary constitutional declaration was based on the popular legitimacy he acquired through his election as president of the republic.
Ahmad Makkī, vice president of Egypt’s cassation court, in charge of developing the new judicial authority law, has announced that the project will provide for the abolition of state security prosecution and expand the mandate of the Supreme Judicial Council, in its appointment of advisors to the...
The author discusses the release of Aymān Nūr the political prisoner that has recently been released. The article debates whether or not he was released following foreign pressure and charts his political career.
At a time when the Egyptian press market was still discussing the aftermath of the State Security Prosecution’s interrogation of an independent journalist on charges of spreading rumors about the president’s health, a new wave of anger stormed Egyptian society after a misdemeanor court sentenced...
The consultant Maḥmūd al-Khudarī comments on what happened during the annual conference held by Egypt’s Society for Culture and Dialogue on May 13, 2007.
National and private newspapers deliberately concealed the news about appointing female judges and did not care to highlight it in a appropriate manner due to the controversy that has surrounded the issue.


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