Displaying 1 - 10 of 19.
A former deputy of the secretary-general of the dissolved Azhar Scholars Front, Dr. Yahyá Hablūsh, has launched a Web site from Kuwait, claiming that it is a step toward reviving the front.
The idea proposed by the Minster of Awqaf [Religious Endowment] Dr. Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq inspired wide-scale reactions among Muslim scholars and the public. Many conservative Muslims did not like the idea of unifying the Azan, likely because it is so radically different from what people are used...
The author talks about al- Qaraḍāwī’s opinion that surprises all Muslims. According to him, the story of the web of the spider and the nest of the two doves in Ḥirā’ Cave is not true as it is not mentioned in the Qur’ān or Sunnah.
The writer records some arguments over some religious texts including al Ahād hadīths, Ḥijāb and circumcision. Also she discusses the question of right hadīths and what is called scarified hadīths.
Azhar scholars rejected Prof. Abdel-Mo’ti Bayoumi’s Fatwá that allows a couple not able to bear children to implant their zygote in the womb of another woman. They announced him a deviant from true Islām. Bayoumi said he is ready to turn from this fatwa if any medical discovery proved that...
The Azhar Scholars Front supported the Minister of Culture and urged him to clean the Ministry by firing more officials who are responsible for publishing libertine books. The Front listed 300 books for revision because of immoral style.
The USA, followed by the International Security Council, decided to freeze the balances of associations and groups, which support and sustain terrorists, but in their haste they did not differentiate between humanitarian associations for benevolent acts and rescue, and those who finance the...
The Mufti of Egypt affirmed that the Palestinians defence of themselves by any method is legal. Counselor Tareq Al-Bishri believed that the killing of the civilians is not wrong as a civilian is not related only to the uniform but is related to the attitude he adopts. Dr. Abdel-Sabour Shahin said...
"The formation period in the life of Mohammed" written by Khalil Abdel-Karim caused widespread arguments. Dr. Abdel-Azim Al-Matani of the Azhar University accused the author of harming Islam and disfiguring the Prophet Mohammed. The book claimed that Mohammed imagined receiving the Qur’an from...
The statement issued by 31 scholars of the Azhar Scholars Front rejecting the Personal Status Law raised many questions about the identity of these scholars and to what extent they belong to the Azhar, especially since Sheikh Al-Azhar, Dr. Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi, and The Islamic Research Council...


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