Displaying 1 - 10 of 10.
Where did the term “Islamophobia” originate, who does it serve, who does it threaten, and does the West really fear Islam? The following article provides details to these questions.
The outlines of the hostile image of Islam in Western culture, which has prevailed following the events of September 11, have three overlapping theoretical approaches. The first approach is about the relationship between Islam on one hand and Christian and Jewish holy books on the other hand. The...
The war on Iraq has ended. However, the role religion plays in it is still questioned. Some authors believe it cannot be viewed outside a religious framework and others warn against the danger of associating it with religion.
It is feared that terrorism leads us all into its trap. Some have pointed out that these acts are weak and diminishing, not strong – but our reactions feed terrorism. The problem is that our responses to terrorist acts usually unintentionally backfire.
Responses of how the Islamic world could respond to rapid changes and developments. Critique on fake muftīs who issue eccentric and controversial fatwas on satellite television.
What has happened to us that has made our youth become professional kidnappers and assassins, and made suicide operations a means of resistance and expression? I ask this question and think about the Iraqi scenario where many European journalists and Turkish and Asian workers have been killed in...
Although I am not in favor of the cultural explanation of the phenomenon of terrorism, the fake religious cloak this group is acting under spurs me to say that this destructive indiscriminate violence would not have spread if it there had not been a cultural background that churned out fanaticism...
Bernard Lewis delivered a speech at Georgetown University that was published later in ‘Foreign Affairs.’ Lewis spoke about Islamic political thought and presented a background about the conceptualization of freedom and justice in the Islamic jurisprudence. He cites the roots of tyranny in the...
The so-called TV preachers are not in fact quite conversant with the Sharī‘a like the preachers of earlier times. Their religious knowledge is limited to a few books and biographies of the Companions of the Prophet. They approach vital issues of the everyday life relying on their communication...
The religious question resurfaced in the intellectual and political processes in Europe in the last period. The religious question is inevitable in two situations: in the system of religious symbols in public schools and in references to religion in the new forthcoming European constitution....
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