Displaying 1 - 10 of 10.
The article provides a list of articles on the reactions to the Sharm al-Sheikh attacks published in the Egyptian press.
The Vatican pope has officially invited the grand Shaykh of Azhar to visit him.
The author argues that terrorism makes use of existing weaknesses in the current regime which have produced an atmosphere of rebellion. Carrying out radical and serious reforms to the structures of the political regime that reach out to the grass-root level is a fatal strike against terrorism.
The author argues that terrorism is a common threat to the world, and thus must be confronted with a unified international response. For this to happen, there needs to be general agreement on the identity of to real enemy.
The Al-Ahram Weekly provided an article giving the background of the Arab Though Institute Tareq Heggi had been asked to join.
The conference of "The Right of Expression" witnessed great controversies among intellectuals and men of law concerning the ideas Salah Eissa, the Editor-in-chief of Al-Qahira Magazine, introduced. He introduced ideas pertaining to religious and national constant principles and some other opinions...
Academic article on the impact of the Coptic lobby outside Egypt, a relatively small group of people who use the latest communication technology to increase their voice.
The Muslim Brotherhood had their yearly iftar [breakfast in Ramadan] party last Sunday . A large number of political and media figures in Egypt were invited. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, president of the Ibn Khaldoun Center, appeared for the first time at a public occasion. He sat at the table of Ma’moun Al...
The arrest two weeks ago and subsequent release of Hafez Abu Se’ada, secretary general of the EOHR and the interrogation of Mustafa Zeidan, EOHR-lawyer, continue to focus international attention on the status of human rights groups in this country.
Police Brig. Gen. Hamdi El-Batran, suspended for 30 days for publishing a novel on the security situation in Upper Egypt without the prior approval of the Interior Ministry, has vowed to appeal the sentence.
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