Displaying 11 - 14 of 14.
[A Dhimmi: A name used for Christian or a Jewish women who married a Muslim man. The term refers back to the time Christians and Jews were protected under Islamic rule.] An Egyptian living in the Netherlands, wrote to Aqidati asking whether his Kitabi [person believing in one of the other two "...
Who is behind ignoring the opinion of the Mufti of Egypt [an official who gives his religious opinions based on Islamic law and logical measurement] in the matter of the novel "A Banquet for the Seaweed"? Why was he silent? Why did the government not ask his opinion, although it has asked the...
People have the right to get accurate information about their religion, so being guided by a charlatan is a great crime, that will affect not only the person but the religion itself. The prophet Mohammed in his Hadiths [talks] and Ibn Malek in his book "The legislation laws" urged us to select our...
Sub-title: The Prophet did not kill any Muslim who renounced his religion The book of the Islamic intellectual Gamal Al-Banna "Islam and the freedom of thought" which was issued lately, raised many questions concerning the issue of apostasy. This is an interview with Gamal Al-Banna who says: "My...


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