Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
The motivation, objectives and program of an RNSAW workshop for Egyptian journalists in cooperation with the Al-Ahram Institute for Regional Journalism. The workshop is financed by the Dutch Embassy and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and covers human rights issues, women, Western and Arab media, freedom...
Workshop for Egyptian journalists; the Israeli-Arab conflict.
The year report of 2001 including an overview of the special reports written for the RNSAW. The year 2001 was marked by a strong increase in the number of special reports, providing readers with information that is not available elsewhere.
The Editorial Board has met on December 1 and December 21 and decided to ask Dr. Arne Fjeldstad, Dr. Mary Massoud and Dr. Amr Assad Khalil to join the Editorial Board. The board also discussed the membership of Dr. Mike Shelley and Ms. Dale Gavlak, who have both left Egypt, and decided to ask them...
Two new members have joined the Advisory Board of the RNSAW. They are Dr. Tareq Mitri, the Program Executive for Christian-Muslim Relations and Dialogue of the World Council of Churches in Geneva, Switzerland, and Dr. Arne H. Fjeldstad, a Norwegian scholar with a Ph.D. in Internet Communications.
The Governor of Minya said the worshipping tree was an ordinary one and that no concerned body told them that it had historical value. The head of Samalout City Council said they set up a fact finding committee that found out that the tree had no religious or historical value. A researcher in the...
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