Date of source: الخميس, نيسان (أبريل) 3, 2008
An article presenting clarification on a number of Qur’ānic verses referenced by Geert Wilders in his film ’Fitna.’
Date of source: الثلاثاء, أيلول (سبتمبر) 3, 2002
Critique on Jewish scholar Dr. Bat Ye’or’s article about Jihad.
Date of source: الأحد, آذار (مارس) 12, 2006
Douglas Murray warns that Europe should beware, since Islamists in the Netherlands are succeeding in intimidating and silencing critics.
Date of source: الأربعاء, آذار (مارس) 5, 2003
Bat Ye´or´s “The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians under Islam” is an example of polemical literature. The book, among other similar writings dominant in the West, shows that Islamic concepts are deliberately misrepresented in the West – which causes frustrations among Muslims. But much polemical...
Date of source: السبت, شباط (فبراير) 15, 2003
A critique of the article of Dr. Zeinab Abdel Aziz by the AWR Board of Advisors consisting of both Muslims and Christians. Dr. Abdel Aziz has the full right to defend Islam and to critique Westerners and Christians who engage in slander of Islam but she should not generalize, take Bible quotes out...
Date of source: الأحد, آب (اغسطس) 25, 2002
It is clear from the comments on Bat Ye´or´s article, that not all the points she discussed have been responded to. For example, what she says concerning the fact that jihad belongs to the religious domain and cannot be discussed and the feeling of superiority in Islam.
Date of source: الجمعة, آب (اغسطس) 23, 2002
Bat Ye´or wrote about jihad with political implications. This is enough to make one expect partiality in tone. The current situation in the Palestinian territories is another factor that influences the way many write about Jihad. By contrast to what Ye´or says, Islam does ask its adherents to...
Date of source: الجمعة, آب (اغسطس) 23, 2002
The Jewish American writer Bat Ye´or published on July 1, 2002, an article on jihad in Islam on the Internet. The article is full of mistakes. It misperceives and distorts the concept of jihad. Dr. Abdel-Mo´ti Bayoumi refutes these mistakes.
Date of source: الاثنين, تموز (يوليو) 1, 2002
The author discusses the concept of jihad in Islam in relation to the concept of human rights. She believes that the two concepts are incompatible. While the Universal Declaration of Human Rights does not refer to any religion or to the superiority of any group over another, but stresses the...
Date of source: الثلاثاء, تشرين اﻷول (أكتوبر) 8, 2002
Muslims are upset because of the way Islam is reported in the West.
Announcement of a review criticizing MEMRI that RNSAW will use for reporting in the next issue.