Displaying 51 - 56 of 56.
Do our tourism officials know that the remains of Prophet John the Baptist are inside the Anbā Maqqār monastery in the wilderness of Shihīt? If they know about it and do not use this attraction of vital importance to Christians and Muslims alike, then this is a disaster, and if they do not know,...
Shawqī Murqus, went to the civil status department to ask for a national identity card but the department refused to issue it for him under the pretext that he had converted to Islam in 1972. He provided evidence that he had reconverted to Christianity with a ruling of the Clerical Council of the...
The constitution, which provides that there is no discrimination among citizens on basis of religion, sex or color, holds that Islamic sharī‘a is the only source of legislation; while the fiqh [Muslim jurisprudence] rule goes that no non-Muslim would be allowed to rule Muslims.
Jamāl Ascad is a writer, an activist, and a former member of the People’s assembly. Ascad was expelled from al-Muhrraq Monastery and was socially excluded when he dared discuss the political role of the Pope.
Sectarian strife would not exist if there were civil laws protecting religious liberties, if the government and government officials were trained to deal with such occurrences effectively and openly, and if the media played its role.
The phenomenon of giving religious names increases during times of crises, which consequently increases the sectarian gap between Egyptians.


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