Displaying 61 - 70 of 309.
Hānī Labīb comments about a question that was asked by Al-Dustūr to Coptic intellectual Rafīq Habīb. The question dealt with why Muslims do not have a pope that inspires them religiously and serves as a politcal leader. Dr. Habīb replied that, unlike Coptic priests, Islamic scholars fall under the...
    Jayson Casper analyzes the Coptic Orthodox Church's response to the recent  ‘Umrāniyyah church riots, a dispute with security forces over the legality of a church construction project that left two dead and dozens arrested.  
The author criticizes an article by Muná Makram ‘Ubayd in al-Shurūq on December 3, 2010 in which she described her lack of success in winning a seat in the women's quota system during the recent parliamentary elections. Labīb says that ‘Ubayd concludes that this loss is a message to Copts that...
On December 15-16, 2009 the Center for Arab West Understanding hosted a workshop entitled, “Balanced and Objective Reporting in Controversial Issues”. Our center has identified that a significant contributor to sectarian tension in Egypt is a media which is often either insufficiently professional...
On December 26-27, 2009 the Center for Arab West Understanding hosted a workshop in Cairo under the title, “Strengthening the Social Role of NGOs through Communication and Interaction”. At our center we have been conducting a project on peacebuilding following the incident of conflict in the...
This report provides an overview of different human rights organizations in Egypt and th
In a workshop organized by the Center for Arab West Understanding, representatives of sixteen Egyptian non-governmental organizations discussed the challenges involved in increasing their participation in the evolution of civil society. Article full text: In a workshop organized by the Center for...
The Center for Arab-West Understanding invites journalists from all over Egypt to attend a two day workshop entitled “Balanced and Objective Reporting in Controversial Issues”. Article Full Text: Egyptian journalists coming together from different parts of Egypt with members of the Center for Arab-...
Robeir al-Faris provides a round up of the Cairo press this month. He covers the case of the murder trial of Marwa al-Shirbīni which is taking place in Germany, looking in particular at an article written by Ibrāhīm Isá in al-Dustūr that reflects on the Egyptian reaction to the case. Al-Faris also...
Scholars continue to debate how much emphasis should be placed on Coptic history in the Egyptian curriculum.


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