Displaying 1 - 10 of 226.
Mr. Bas Belder was between 1999 and 2019 one of the very few members in the European Parliament showing an active interest in the position of Christians in the Middle East. He is to be complimented for his genuine interest in Christians in the Middle East but the sources he used in his paper for...
According to the author, articles two and three of the new constitution have maintained national unity as Article II stated that Islam is the religion of the state and Article III gave rights to Copts and Jews to refer to their own codes in personal status and religious affairs. Dr. Abd al-Fattāh...
Conflict between the Church and Islamic political movements developed after the Church's withdrawal from the Constituent Assembly and the Presidency's disregard for Coptic demands. Coptic Orthodox Bishop Marqus of Shubrā al-Khaymah said: “The Church does not fear the regime. The future of the State...
On the same context, Al-Shurūq al-Jadīd newspaper reported the Churches’- as well as The Azhar’s- dismay over Burhāmī’s statements on the position of the Azhar’s Grand Shaykh and on articles endorsed in the new Constitution.
Al-Tahrīr reports on controversial reactions on the Constitutional declaration released by President Mursī on Saturday (December 8, 2012). While the three major Coptic Churches refrain from delivering any official statement regarding the Constitutional declaration, a large number of Coptic...
Pope Tawadros II has discussed in a meeting with the Family House delegation (Bayt al-‘Ā’ilah) convened in Papal headquarters the renovation of the attacked churches. Bishop Yuhanna Qulta, the Vice Patriarch of the Coptic Catholic Church, stated that the delegation proposed a number of business men...
Amidst rallies to mobilize their congregations to vote 'no', the three major Churches of Egypt declined to attend the presidential ceremony held two days ago and during which the draft constitution was handed out to President Mursī. 
Bishop Yuhanna Qultah, the deputy patriarch of the Coptic Catholics and a representative of the Egyptian churches in the constituent assembly writing a new constitution for Egypt, announced the withdrawal of the three churches from the panel.
All three heavenly faiths – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – agree that the Prophet Abraham is their father and all agree that Abraham’s faith was tested to the utmost level when was ordered to slay his own son.
Bishop Yuhannā Qultah, the patriarchal deputy of the Coptic Catholic Church, said that President Mursī's invitation was extended to the heads of Egyptian churches but no topics were set for discussions.


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