Displaying 131 - 140 of 157.
The author expresses surprise at the fact that priests and bishops in some Orthodox Churches replace pictures of Jesus Christ crucified with nails in the palm of his hands with pictures showing nails in his wrists.
There is a great respect in Egyptian schoolbooks for Christian religion, although there is only little information on its faith and life. There is excellent information on the early history of the Copts in Egypt, but almost no information about the Christian minority after the conquest of Egypt....
Many of the sayings and stances of Jesus Christ show that He is not against sex. However, the early fathers of Christianity introduced the theory of sexual fasting and considered it the peak of faith. This anti-sex attitude led to an anti-women attitude and to many arguments concerning whether a...
Many Muslims believe that Christians in the West have never given up the idea of the Crusades and missionaries work hand in hand with Western imperialists. The Bishop concludes that the Crusades occurred as a result of ignorance of Christ's teachings and love. The church today views the Crusades as...
Short summary of the sermon of Lord George Carey, on the occasion of his visit to Egypt, July, 2004 about Matthew 16: 13-17. The sermon addresses the question of who Jesus is.
Introducing Bishop Thomas Bishop Thomas is a man with vision. He is from a well-to-do Egyptian family and could have emigrated to the West but instead not only decided to stay in Egypt but the become a monk. One year later he became bishop of al-Qussia and he saw it as his mission to raising his...
A couple of days ago, BBC aired a children’s program produced by Comedy Central, an American channel, which coincided with the celebration of Eastern Easter. The film depicted Jesus Christ being killed by Iraqis who also tortured Santa Claus. Perhaps the showing of this program reduces the...
Response of Dr. Jeff Adams, member of the AWR board of advisors. He is convinced Drs. Hulsman’s article makes some very good points. Dr. Adams rejects that many Christians have lifted passages from the Qur’an and used them as the basis for anti-Islamic statements. The same technique is used by...
Report and comment on a visit to the self-proclaimed pope Habeel in Old Cairo
Both Christians and Muslims honour the name and memory of those who become martyrs for their faith, and the Qur’an warns that adversity is part of the life of the believer. But there is a widespread feeling among Muslims that Christians over-emphasize the part that failure and adversity play in...


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