Displaying 1 - 10 of 87.
Analyzing the recent death sentence of the man who killed six worshippers outside a Coptic church in Naj‘ Hammādī on Christmas last year, journalist Gamal Nkrumah discusses diverse opinions on the court’s verdict and on Muslim-Christian relations in general. Copts reacted with satisfaction and...
Osama al-Ghazoly is a seasoned journalist who we asked to evaluate the media discourse on Izbet Bushra, paying special attention to coverage given to expatriate Coptic websites. Since some of these websites make reference to human rights reports produced in Egypt, Osama has also involved these...
Hulsman flags up articles 5-8 in this issue that concern sūrah 2:256 of the Qur’ān and whether it is abrogated or not. He also draws the reader’s attention to a number of article that focus on issues that threaten the social peace of society
The Egyptian press has referred to Muhammad Sven Kalisch’s text about the Prophet Muhammad as an offence against Islam. However if the type of analytical approach he uses can be applied by Muslims toward the Bible then Muslims must accept it when others do the same about Islam. The effects of the U...
Hulsman comments on the recent sectarian tensions in Fayyūm that were mentioned in this issue and highlights an article by Tarek Heggy about the role of the Egyptian state in Muslim-Christian tensions.
The recent fire at the Church of the Holy Virgin in Sakha may have unfortunately damaged the church building but it also proved to be an example of Muslims and Christians cooperating to solve a problem. Local Muslims and Christians worked together to put out the fire and rescue valuables from...
Rumors have spread about the escalating tension between the Coptic public and the church leadership. While many voices complained about the “tyranny” of the church leadership, church sources denied the rumors and attributed the problems and protests to misunderstandings.
The Egyptians Against Religious Discrimination [EARD] group held its first national conference last weekend. The conference was supposed to be held at the Journalists Syndicate but after journalists stopped participants from entering the premises it was moved to the headquarters of the Tajammu...
The following issue of AWR presents a number of articles on the recent disputes around the monastery of Abū Fānā, Upper Egypt, including AWR interviews with governor Ahmed Dia el-Din, father Dumadios from the Monastery of Abu Fana, the head of the Arab Bani Khaled tribe, two prominent shaykhs, four...
The chaos of fatwás being issued against those accused of takfīr has risen again. The following article discusses the impact that these fatwás have on the image of Islam, and on social cohesion.


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