Displaying 191 - 200 of 1264.
An agreement signed on October 22 between the Center of Arab-West Understanding and the Global Forum for Media and Development (Egypt) is turning out to be very fruitful for both parties in their contributions for a better future for Egypt.
A man named ‘lantern’ finds a buried treasure, and with the money builds a church and extends a priesthood. If only all tales of Coptic Orthodox churches were so adventurous. (Some are.) The village of Qufādah, home of the Virgin Mary and St. Abaskhiroun Church, is about a 30-45 minute drive from...
The narrow streets in Al Zawya Al Hamra are quiet. A donkey pulls a cart, a woman carries fresh bread on her head and some boys are repairing their TukTuk. On such mornings, it is hard to imagine that these same streets once were the stage of tragic fights between Muslim and Christian residents. In...
“Respect for children starts with respect among children for each other,” said Herman Kaiser, Mayor of Arnhem during the 10th anniversary of the International Monument for the Unknown Child in the Netherlands on September 28, 2014.  Dr. Farouk Hosni, Minister of Culture of Egypt from 1987 to 2011,...
Starting a business in the Arab world is already a difficult task; but if you are a woman, operating a business in the Arab world is even more challenging!
Pope Tawadros assured that Egypt started a new era and that there are new economic projects to develop the economy. These projects, such as the Suez Canal project shall make the area as Singapore. He added that this also includes the roads projects that will add 6000 meters and link the...
On a trip to the village of Qufada in Upper Egypt, Intern Jonathan Vink became fascinated with the art of tattooing, which has a rich heritage within the Coptic demonination population of Egypt. This article is a product of his curiousity on the subject, which is also published with Egypt Today. 
In a piece for Egypt Today, AWR reseacher Yosra El Gendi explains the need for dialogue to solve the disagreements between a number of Egyptian NGOs and the Egyptian government. These disagreements began in mid-2014 when an advertisement in Al-Ahram stated that all NGOs in Egypt must register...
Arab-West Report is currently working on a report on the 2014 Egyptian Constitution. As a part of this project, Diana Serôdio interviewed Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim [S’ad Al-Dīn Ibrahīm] – a sociologist and founder of the Egyptian think-tank Ibn Khaldun Institute – for a second time on July 22, 2014....
Arab-West Report is currently working on a report on the 2014Egyptian Constitution. As a part of this project, Diana Serôdio interviewed Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim [S’ad Al-Dīn Ibrahīm] – a sociologist and founder of the Egyptian think-tank Ibn Khaldun Institute – on July 16, 2014. The interview was...


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