Displaying 151 - 160 of 1264.
Tuesday, March 7th, 2017—major protests and demonstrations erupted in several cities across Egypt, including Alexandria, al-Minyā, Disūq, and Cairo’s own Imbāba in response to the government decision to stop accepting several types of the government issued ration cards for subsidized bread.
In defiance of his own nation’s restrictions, Cornelis Hulsman, Drs. not only went to Siwa, he invited international student interns, Egyptian nationals, media professionals, and just about everyone else in Egypt to travel with him. “Western travel advice to Siwa is insane,” said Hulsman, the...
During my time in Siwa I happened to find myself diving into the unique local cultural heritage and a society, abundant in distinct customs, traditions andan own particular language called Siwias being the descendants of the Berbers, North Africa´s original inhabitants. 
“I really wanted to stay longer but a fellow student called me to return to Cairo since work at university had started. This was a most unusual trip that I had. It is an important experience that I really recommend to others. It is like a full self development and increasing your knowledge...
Article about a group of Westerners living in Siwa oasis. Siwa Oasis lies on the fringes of the Republic; yet an unexpected community has made it their home. 
The Holy Family came to Egypt, says the Biblical text. But it is silent on what they did once there. Coptic Orthodox tradition has filled in the details. And now, as Arab West Report discovered on a visit led by Cornelis Hulsman on January 16, 2016, they have one detail more.
Born in 1940, Dr. ʿAbd al-Muʿṭī Bayyūmī is an Egyptian professor at the Usūl al-Dīn (Fundamentals of Religion) Faculty in the Azhar University in Cairo. He has addressed many issues related to fiqh, as well as issues related to culture and politics. According to Dr. Bayyūmī, the renewal of...
Italian journalist Pietro Vernizzi Interviews Cornelis Hulsman about the murder of Italian PhD student Giullio Regeni in Egypt. His murder is unlikely the work of Egyptian security as speculations go.  
Three years ago, on February 27, 2013, we interviewed Aḥmad Ashūsh in our office. These were the days of President Muhammad Mursī and we then made efforts to understand the motivations of the different people involved various Islamists movements. Aḥmad Ashūsh was arrested in October 2013 for the...
Thousands of young people from Western countries have gone to Syria during recent years to fight under the black flag of what Prof. Schleifer calls “the most brutal and threateningly successful jihadist group, calling itself the Islamic State.” The British Tony Blair Foundation recently published a...


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