Date of source: Friday, September 28, 2018
Kamāl Shātīlā, chairman of the Lebanese Popular Congress, said in an interview with “al-Waṭan” that the death of President Jamāl ʿAbd al-Nāṣir was a total catastrophe for Egypt, the Arab nation, and the third world countries, stressing that Nāṣir was a symbol for the dreamers of freedom and...
Date of source: Monday, March 4, 2013
Leader of the NSF, Dr. Wahīd ‘Abd al-Majīd revealed that the Front is preparing to form a “People’s Parliament” to challenge the legislative policies for the upcoming parliamentary election. The upcoming elections have been described as “invalid” because it will be a parliament in favor of one...
Date of source: Monday, March 4, 2013
Leader of the NSF, Dr. Wahīd ‘Abd al-Majīd revealed that the Front is preparing to form a “People’s Parliament” to challenge the legislative policies for the upcoming parliamentary election. The upcoming elections have been described as “invalid” because it will be a parliament in favor of one...