Displaying 11 - 20 of 44.
The Islamic Café, with two branches in Alexandria's Sīdī Bishr district and Port Said governorate, would separate between the two sexes and bans serving shīshāh. Young people on social networking web sites expressed disgruntlement over this café and one of them wondered about the legal solutions...
The Islamic Café, with two branches in Alexandria's Sīdī Bishr district and Port Said governorate, would separate between the two sexes and bans serving shīshāh. Young people on social networking web sites expressed disgruntlement over this café and one of them wondered about the legal solutions...
Security measures were immediately implemented at Saint Mark's Cathedral, al-‘Abbāsīyyah district of Cairo, with the installation of CCTV cameras, alteration of entry procedures, and the shortening of opening hours. Furthermore, the Pope has not delivered his weekly sermon since President Morsi was...
A study conducted by Sulaymān Shafīq, a Coptic researcher, identified violations against Copts since President Muhammad Morsi (Mursī) became President. A number of  59 Copts killed (28 in Maspero incidents, six in Imbābah, 12 Manshīyat Nāsir, two Nazlat Rūman in al-Minya, one in Dahshūr and seven...
A number of al-Khusūs residents (unnamed by the newspaper) relates that clashes erupted on Apr. 5 at one of the narrow alleys in al-Khusūs, in front of a house owned by the family of Iskandar (Christian family). Iskandar’s house is opposite to an Islamic religious institution. Someone draw a...
The clashes in al-Khusūs left five dead, four Christian and one Muslim, and were apparently sparked by the actions of a few Christian teenagers, who spray-painted offensive symbols, allegedly a Nazi swastika, on the walls of an Azharian institute. However it is not clear if this was the only factor...
In a statement, the group for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice in the Suez Governorate demanded that Christians should be committed to the teaching of Islam or else leave the country. According to the statement, the militants are saying, “Allah agrees with us in our battle against...
The memo sent by the Church to the Presidency expressed the need to legalize the built churches and allow the building of new ones, to include ceremonial halls and service building to be able to serve the poor and needy. The Church also called on Mursī to pass a personal status law for non-Muslims...
Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II has requested that all of the districts send in their recommendations surrounding the Personal Status regulations to the clerical council. On Thursday, March 21, the Pope held a lecture about the Personal Status regulations during a conference organised by the...
Copts from the village Dafash in al-Minya governorate have accused members of the Muslim Brotherhood of preventing them from building a church dome. Members of the Brotherhood “allegedly” obstructed construction claiming there was no need for it. Construction of the church began three years ago. At...


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