Displaying 11 - 20 of 51.
The Muslim Brotherhood denied what Sawt Al-Umma published about its General Guide contracting Alzheimer.
The secretary of the Malaysian prime minister visited the general guide of the Muslim Brotherhood in his office. One of the members of the Brotherhood international group in Malaysia participated in the meeting. The group asked him to convince the prime minister to introduce political and financial...
The author discusses the relations between the Muslim Brotherhood and the US throughout its history. He points out a recent study conducted by the political section of the group on the necessity of building bridges of communication between the group and the US. He comments on the meeting held...
Some political researchers and analysts comment on the attitude of the Brotherhood towards the war on Iraq and its relation with the Egyptian government, which has been proved to be pragmatic. The group´s attitude towards the war is not at all in accordance with its slogan “Jihad for the sake...
The recent arrest of Khaled Sheikh Muhammad, who is accused of being the mastermind of September 11 attacks, showed that handing over terrorist leaders to official authorities became a special kind of business that brings a lot of money.
The Muslim Brotherhood group faces serious problems soon as its general guide suffers from Alzheimer’s. Such a disease will prevent him from performing his mandates.
Changing election system from electing independent candidates to a list system will present difficulties for the Muslim Brotherhood to enter the parliament. The group looks for a political party that its candidates can join to be able to stand for elections. The dilemma is that the Labor Party, a...
Dr. Muhammad Habīb, Deputy Supreme Guide of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, has revealed that his group has presented the issue of their participation in the coming presidential elections to their Guidance Office. The final decision is expected next week.
An article on “Adam´s sin” by monk Basilios of the Monastery of Makarios caused a conflict in the Orthodox Church. Pope Shenouda himself will investigate monk Basilios. The article is not the only reason behind investigating Basilios. He wrote three books in which he touches upon the relation...
Farid Abdel Khaliq is the most important leading figure of the Brotherhood. He stresses that the group is not a political power but a Da´awa-oriented group. He does not oppose the establishment of a Coptic party but without calling for applying the Christian teachings. He believes that the...


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