Displaying 1 - 10 of 51.
A religious state looms, as evident with the emergence of Muslim and Coptic religious parties.
The stand of the judge’s club against appointing female judges shocked civil and feminist trends which believe that this stand is contrary to the principle of judge’s independency. It also violates the Egyptian constitution and the international charters.
Hafīz Sa‘d writes about a recent document entitled ‘Al-Ikhwān wa-al-Dīmūqrātīyah’ [Reviewer: Muslim Brotherhood and democracy], written by Dr. Mahmūd Ghazlān, a prominent member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s executive office who is also known as the number three man in the group’s leadership...
The author writes about an iftār banquet hosted by the Muslim Brotherhood group in which the invited number of public dignitaries could reach 1700.
The Bishop of Naj‘ Hamādī has been accused of failing to recognize the rights of Dr. Rushdī Wāsif Bahmān who authored a book on the life of Saint al-Anbā Badābā.
The author interviewed Rafīq al-‘Ajamī, one of the Arab Afghans who was imprisoned for four years on charges of carrying out the explosion of the Egyptian Embassy in Pakistan in 1996.
The author quotes the Wasat Party leader Abu al-‘Ilā Mādī as accusing the government of seeking the termination of his party through coordination with the Muslim Brotherhood.
The article is about the discussions that took place at the iftar dinner hosted by the Muslim Brotherhood. The speeches of many of those who attended the iftar flattered the Brotherhood to the extent that one wonders how possible they see the Brotherhood this way while belonging to other parties....
The writers discuss the relation between the election in the Journalists´ Syndicate and the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood.
The article reports the church initiative to establish schools for newly married couples to improve their social and sexual knowledge of marriage. Some studies show that 25% of divorce cases among Copts are due to sexual problems.


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