Displaying 41 - 50 of 51.
Coptic lawyers have entered as a party in the political game in the Egyptian Bar Association elections. Despite the failure of all Coptic candidates in the recent elections, the role played by Coptic lawyers was undeniable, forming another trump card in the face of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Muna Makram ‘Ubayid, the deputy leader of al-Ghad [Tomorrow] Party, has been a fountainhead of power for leader Ayman Nour, a former member of parliament who is currently imprisoned on charges of forging official documents for his newly-founded party. She has also, however, been his Achilles’ heel...
Jamāl Ascad is a writer, an activist, and a former member of the People’s assembly. Ascad was expelled from al-Muhrraq Monastery and was socially excluded when he dared discuss the political role of the Pope.
Two weeks of peace in the Bar Association ended and it turned again to disturbance when the juridical committee observing elections of the association fixed those elections for March 12 to select the head and the Board of the association.
The National Unity Committee at the Journalists Syndicate held a meeting two days ago to discuss the sectarian situations and the role the press plays in provoking sectarian violence.
A Christian orthodox husband filed a lawsuit asking for his marriage contract to be considered invalid as his orthodox wife had married him only one month after she was divorced from her first husband. This means that she married him before the end of the months of Edda [the period she needs to...
Archpriest Andrawis Aziz filed a lawsuit against Pope Shenouda to cancel the decision of the Clerical Council that stripped him of his religious title. The church argued that the court did not have the right to decide upon the Church’s decisions concerning stripping clergymen of their religious...
The Guidance Office of the Muslim Brotherhood refused to allow one of the group’s lawyers to file a lawsuit demanding the application of article 48 [of the Penalties Law] to help release those who were convicted in the case of the professional syndicates.
Three million Christians and Muslims gathered on the western [Nile] bank in Assiut to celebrate the Virgin mulid. Some of the visitors were asked if they were affected by what was published on the expelled monk. They answered that nothing can affect their love for the monastery.
The Muslim Brotherhood group decided to suspend Seif Al-Islam Hassan Al-Banna’s membership in the group. Ma’amoun Al-Hodeibi notified him that he had told all the Brotherhood leaders to ignore any personal decisions taken by him without consulting the group [Brotherhood]. Al-Hodeibi asked Al-Banna...


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