Displaying 221 - 230 of 356.
Nabil Hilmi, Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Zaqaziq, together with a group of emigrant Egyptians in Europe plan to sue “all the Jews of the world” for stealing gold before their exodus from Egypt. They are preparing for payback of this gold with interest.
Anderson, an American Independent Baptist, takes the text of the Torah as absolutely true, the infallible word of God. Archeological findings or lacking archeological findings must be interpreted along that standard.
We asked Dr. Levine to respond to the article in al-Ahram and the comment of Egyptologist Lutfi Sherif. His response focusses on two arguments: Moses is a Hebrew name and the account of the Exodus is right. The arguments show that Dr. Levine and Lutfi Sherif will never agree on these points. For Dr...
Egyptologist Lutfi Sherif led an AWR-visit to the land of Goshen in March 2003 and knows the discussion of archeologists on the Exodus quite well. Excavations in the Eastern Delta have become politically sensitive. This article mentions that the claim that the tomb of Alexander the Great was found...
The writer presents an overview of a French book by historian Guy Rachet. The book is titled "La Bible mythe et realites: La Bible et I´histoire d´Israel" [The Holy Bible, myths and realities: The Holy Bible and the history of Israel]. It discusses the relations between Egypt and the...
The article sheds light on the history of Pharaoh Ramsis II claiming that he was not the pharaoh in the time of Moses and that the Jews did not built his city as they claim
The author comments on the verse saying that whatsoever is not of faith is sin. He recounts many stories which show that one of the main Christian teachings is wise living.
The author comments on an article in the Egyptian daily Akhbar about American Baptist/Evangelical belief in Armageddon. The Bible says that there will be a battle perhaps in the next few decades to take place in Israel. The Bible gives a number of signs occurring in that period and from this we can...
The author criticizes the fact that verses from the Holy Bible and the Qur´an are interpreted in a way that does not suit the spirit of both religions and are exploited for political ends. He believes that religious thinking and discourse should be reconsidered to enable Egyptians to face the...
A critique of the article of Dr. Zeinab Abdel Aziz by the AWR Board of Advisors consisting of both Muslims and Christians. Dr. Abdel Aziz has the full right to defend Islam and to critique Westerners and Christians who engage in slander of Islam but she should not generalize, take Bible quotes out...


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