Displaying 231 - 240 of 353.
The author comments that many people have been disturbed by the recent flood of often conflicting statements from the church concerning the political positions of clergymen. By putting themselves in the spotlight, church leaders are sending out a message that undermines the principles of...
The Coptic Orthodox Church has recently been attacked by individuals that call themselves ‘opposition from within the church’. These people concentrate their attacks on the leaders of the church and allege that there is a barrier separating the pope from his congregation.
Christianity can be abbreviated in just one word: love, which is the center of Jesus Christ’s teachings. It is, however, the most difficult religion to understand, according to French magazine VSD, which published a special file on the three divine religions.
The French magazine Science et Vie [Science and Life] has proven the shroud exhibited in Torino and claimed to be the one in which the body of the Christ was wrapped after his crucifixion, to be fake.
The Coptic Orthodox are confused by the claims of some clergy that there were no nails in Jesus Christ’s hands while he was crucified.
Dr. Aziz Samuel reveals in his book The unknown years in the life of Jesus Christ, the spread of schools of modern criticism at the beginning of the eighteenth century. Such schools consecrated their efforts on attacking Christianity through false allegations that Christianity borrowed all its...
Jewish rabbis have been promoting a perverting falsified story about the birth of Christ. This story, which spread widely in medieval times, alleges that Virgin Mary has sinned with Joseph the carpenter in her menstruation period. Joseph then decided to fasten the accusation on the pious John who...
The transcript of an interview with Bishop Marcos of Shubrā al-Khaymā about the rules regarding the succession of a pope, church and politics, Father Matā al-Miskīn and other subjects.
“The Divine Will Behind the Structure of the Church” is a book written by a monk from Anba Maqar monastery. It discusses many present issues concerning the church, its identity, principles and laws. The article covers most of the ideas expressed in the book.
In this article Rev. Rif‘at Sa‘īd criticizes the article of Dr. Zaghloul al-Najār published in al-Ahrām on February 20, 2006. According to the author, Dr. al-Najār misinterpreted a Biblical term in order convince his readers of his opinion.


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