Displaying 11 - 20 of 36.
“Benzion targets selling one million copies of the photo that catapulted its sales on the local market since it was first offered in April,” the company said in a statement on Thursday (May 10). It added that it will offer 4,000 copies soon at a rate of LE295 (roughly $50) per one copy as a first...
Background: Reverend Dr. Samuel Ḥabīb was an evangelical pastor and founder of the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS). It was a very well planned organization, says Ḥabīb, and he employed a man from the United States to work with him on a plan for a special gathering. Most...
Mary Masʿūd was born in Cairo, Egypt. Masʿūd is a member of the Episcopal (Anglican) All Saints Cathedral (English speaking congregation), and serves on its Church Council. With a rich family heritage from both the Coptic-Orthodox and Coptic-Evangelical traditions, she receives invitations from...
Rev. Dr. Andrea Zakī, general manager of the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS), said that the January revolution was a real turning point in the life of Egyptian people and the Arabs in general.  In an Egyptian-German forum of youth, Dr. Zakī asserted that the revolution...
This article details the Egyptian-German Young Leader’s Forum (EGYLF), affiliated to the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS), that has placed its faith in the relevance of interaction and dialogue among people of the world.
This article describes a conference held in Sharm al-Sheikh organized by the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services. The director of the CEOSS, Nabil Abadir, stated that the purpose of the conference was to discuss “the tragic cultural dilemma Egypt is living through, hoping to build...
In this article the author sheds light on the training portfolio of the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services aiming at spreading sexual awareness among youth in society.
Dr. Abū al-Najā says that she was able to identify the main point of disagreement over the offensive drawings of the Prophet Muhammad, during her visit to Denmark. At the Egyptian-Danish dialogue, she heard two views: apologies for humiliating any religion and a protection of freedom of expression.
The Middle East Council of Churches organized an Arab Islamic-Christian dialogue conference in Cairo. Another Islamic-Christian dialogue conference was held in Bahrain. The Egyptian Evangelical Organization for Social Services invited Muslim and Christian scholars to a seminar discussing ?Violence...
Islamic awakening affects democracy, making the political contribution of the Muslim Brotherhood even more difficult, as the author presents some of the problems that may face society if the Muslim Brotherhood takes authority.


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