Displaying 31 - 38 of 38.
Sidhom discussed a few months ago the subject of establishing a section for Coptic studies in the Egyptian university to teach Coptic language, Coptic history, and Coptic civilization because this is considered an important part of Egypt’s history and present too. The discussion was reopened in...
In our country, Egyptians, whether Muslims or Christians, live together peacefully. Our unity is not a slogan, but a nature that has been planted in us many years ago. We believe that the country belongs to all people and religion belongs to God.
Historical facts and evidences prove that Egyptian monasteries and Coptic churches in the Christian era were a centre for study, copying and inscribing manuscripts and documents of the Coptic era. There was rarely a church that didn’t have a library. Monks were clever at inscribing and binding...
The author expresses his surprise concerning errors made by writers concerning Coptic history. He also points out that Coptic language, culture and civilization is neglected in Egypt and that there are no Egyptian universities offering Coptic Studies as a subject though there are many universities...
The recent "National Role of the Egyptian Church throughout the Ages" symposium was exemplary as a useful. Sabah Al-Kheir followed on the event and attended the researches, studies and discussions presented.
Following his tour in Fatimid Cairo, President Hosni Mubarak demanded the revival of route of the Holy Family. The Ministry of Tourism has issued a book titled ’ The Holy Family in Egypt’. The book has been translated into many languages including French, English, German, Spanish, Greek, Russian...
Gamal Asad discovered that some Copts refuse to view themselves as Arabs and writes about the implications of them considering themselves as the only real Egyptians and Muslims not. The notion is not only dangerous but also false.
Pope Shenouda’s consecration of a new priest has caused an uproar in the church. A former secretary of the Pope, father Theodosius, has sent telegrams to the President, the Interior minister, the head of State Security and the several church personalities objecting to the consecration of the new...


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