Displaying 291 - 300 of 376.
Babylon’s Patriarch for the Chaldean Catholics in Iraq and the world said that Baghdad will host the Fifth Christian Conference, which will be attended by religious figures from all over the world.
In his 1982-book "Our Fasts Between the Past and the Present...Their Spiritual Essences and Historical Roots," Father Kyrillos Kyrillos, the priest of Mar Girgis church, in Khamoria, touched upon the issue of fasting in Christianity. He stated that the way the fasts in the Orthodox Church are now...
Public manifestations of Christian faith become less in Egyptian society. The celebration of palm Sunday in the Upper Egyptian village of Sarakna, 315 km south of Cairo, is one of the last villages where this is possible. The article explains Muslims in villages want their villages have a Muslim...
The number of articles published about Easter reflects the great attention the Egyptian press paid to these celebrations.
There are great differences among Christian denominations concerning the Virgin Mary. For Catholics she is God’s mother, the intercessor for sins, mother of mercy and mother of the Christian church in the world. The Orthodox Church raises her above angels and saints. Protestants believe only in the...
Despite the fact that the Bible is the religious constitution of all Christians all over the world, Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7, while Catholic and Protestant Christians celebrate it on December 26. The different interpretations of the Bible are also insecure among them....
The Coptic Orthodox church believes in seven secrets. Four of which are called the secrets of salvation. Each Christian should perform them. These four secrets are the secret of Baptism, the secret of the Holy Chrism, the secret of the Holy Communion and the secret of confession. The other three...
Not to care about appearances, humbleness and simplicity are three lessons that we can learn from the birth of Christ. Jesus Christ was born in a mean manger. He also "made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant." In the story of the birth, we notice that the Lord chose very simple...
Though Christians are not religiously obliged to visit monasteries, they often do. They are usually offered food. It is a good chance for young people to meet and get to know each other. Some church groups visit monasteries and then move to the nearest beach for a kind of entertainment.
Prof. Joseph Sedqi, former head of the National Cosmological and Geophysical Research Institute, explained why Western Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25, whilst Eastern Christians celebrate it in January. It is due to different calendars and not religious difference. He calls for...


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