Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
Ten years ago, extremists in the streets of Syria used to chant “Alawites to coffins and Christians to Beirut.” According to what people who escaped the Syrian turmoil to the Lebanese city of Zahlé on the borders with Syria have told me when I toured the area back in 2014, the chanting has evolved...
Tīmōthāūs Mattā al-Khūrī, Patriarchal Vicar of the Syrian Orthodox Church and Archbishop of Ḥomṣ, Ḥamā, Ṭarṭōs and the area which surrounds it, visited Pope Tawāḍrūs of the Coptic Orthodox Church on Thursday (Feb. 8) at the Papal Residence of the Saint Mark Cathedral in the Cairo district of al-...
Counsellor Munṣif Najīb Sulaymān, member of parliament and representative of the Coptic Orthodox Church, announced that the second parliamentary session's agenda will include a legislative proposal for Christian families; a draft that can be considered a civilizational leap for Christian families...
Members of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Lebanon have received pope Tawadros with splendid happiness. The Pope took part in condolences ceremony of Pope Mar Ignatius, late Patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox Church after which he visited the Coptic Orthodox Church in Lebanon. Bishop Abraham of the...
The Patriarchate of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch, headed by Mār Ignatius Ephram II, Patriarch of Antioch and Supreme Leader of the Syriac Orthodox Church, distanced itself from Hātūn, an organization headed by the nun Hatūn Dūjān.
Drs. Hulsman provides a detailed description of Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt, and a history of Coptic problems, stemming from their own actions and outside influences.
Currently, however, a small booklet about "El-Isra’ and Me’rag" (night journey and ascension to heaven) is being distributed among Christian youth as an old, medieval, document authored by an old Syrian Orthodox bishop. The story resembles the night journey and ascension to heaven of the prophet...
Christians in Syria make up approximately 12% of the population. The article gives an overview of their presence.
The author bases his article on a research carried out by Dr. Sabela of the University of Bethlehem about the ongoing decline of the Christian presence among Palestinians. Dr. Sabela found large numbers still want to emigrate.
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