Displaying 101 - 110 of 361.
Pope Tawāḍrūs II called on his followers everywhere to plan on participating in prayers during the holiday season through their screens in order for the oneness of heart and soul to be firmly rooted within all of them.  He also called on them to pray for Egypt and the president. 
Bishop Bākhūm, the official spokesperson for the Catholic Church in Egypt, announced decisions made by the Catholic Synod to suspend Holy Week and Easter Day liturgies and limit these liturgies to church priests and deacons only.  Liturgies, however, will be broadcasted online for the rest of the...
The Center for Coptic Studies at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina is organizing a lecture tomorrow over Facebook Live entitled “Coptic Saint Corona…Patron Saint of Pandemics and Infectious Diseases.”  The lecture will be given by Dr. ʿIzzat Ṣalīb, expert of Coptic Heritage at the Ministry of Tourism and...
The flight of the holy family is celebrated as a feast day that is marked by the Coptic Orthodox Church on June 1st of every year. These celebrations are usually held by Pope Tawāḍrūs, a number of bishops, and organizations that are interested in the Coptic heritage and developing the areas of the...
The magazine Rūz al-Yūsif, in its Saturday edition, caused controversy after including a portrait of Bishop Raphael [Rāfāʾīl], who is bishop of the churches in central Cairo, next to Muḥammad Badī’, a leader in the Muslim Brotherhood, on their front cover. The Church was outraged by its publication...
The Coptic Orthodox Church began offering pastoral activities and spiritual services to Copts from afar by broadcasting them online in light of the measures taken to confront the Coronavirus, which included closing church building and stopping gatherings and church activities.
Muslim and Christian religious leaders stressed their support for the government’s measures to prevent the spread of the novel Coronavirus.  They praised President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī, Prime Minister Dr. Mustafā Madbūlī, and all government’s decisions taken in order to lighten the negative...
The leaders and representatives of the Orthodox Churches held a meeting in the Jordanian capital of Amman to discuss their vision towards the unity of the Orthodox Churches. 
The Episcopal Church in Old Egypt began one of the activities for the “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity” under the title, “Youth Day,” in participation with the Egyptian Coptic Orthodox, Catholic, Episcopalian, Evangelical, and Roman Catholic denominations.  At this event, the heads of the...
Cornelis Hulsman became interested in the Israeli movement for peace between Israelis and Palestinians early on in his career. He was born into a Dutch Christian Reformed family deeply interested in Israel and convinced that the modern State of Israel was based on Biblical prophecies that God would...


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