Displaying 171 - 180 of 198.
Babylon’s Patriarch for the Chaldean Catholics in Iraq and the world said that Baghdad will host the Fifth Christian Conference, which will be attended by religious figures from all over the world.
The Catholic Patriarch of Egypt pointed out that there is a difference between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox one concerning dealing with the issue of Al-Quds [Jerusalem]; the Orthodox Church rejects visits to Jerusalem considering it as a kind of normalization [of relations with Israel]....
Rev. Dr. John Watson writes about his memories and relationship with metropolitan Athanasius of Beni Suef. He describes the late bishop as "old fashioned" and "much loved in ecumenical circles, a man of great charm and dignity who respected the world’s 79 million Anglicans in a manner that is rare...
Hulsman interviewed Dr. Maurice Asad, former associate secretary-general of the Middle East Council of Churches, who knew Bishop Athanasius from before he was consecrated as a monk and father Dr. Christiaan van Nispen about their experiences with Bishop Athanasius. Dr. Asad described bishop...
A responsible official source stated that the report of police intervention in the incidents at St. Catherine’s monastery and the arrest of 150 persons are completely untrue. He added that an individual illegally tried to transform a restaurant into "a place for conducting prayers" without [legal]...
... The head of the St. Catherine’s monastery filed a complaint against Bishop Makari, the recently-appointed bishop of Sinai, and accused him of trying to deprecate the historical importance of the monastery, which produces most of the tourist traffic in the area. The head of the monastery, Bishop...
Al-Wafd asks why the Egyptian government neglect the publishing of news of incidents and crises that happen here and do not respond until only after the incidents or crises are reported by international media by which time it is too late. Al-Wafd here presents a detailed description of the recent...
Next Thursday, Pope John Paul II, the Pope of the Vatican will be arriving to Egypt. Due to this occasion, we have asked what are the Catholic problems and concerns that await the great Pope of Rome? What do they want him to do in the coming period? The answer came to confirm the fact that what...
Pope Shenouda will not attend the Mass that Pope John Paul II will pray in the covered hall. The reason is that the rituals of the Mass are different between the Catholic and the Orthodox rites. It is expected that Pope Shenouda will send a representative to the Mass.
This article gives some of the historical background to the disagreement between the churches covering the Council of Chalcedon, and then the Council of Ephesus in 428 AD when the Patriarch of Constantinople stated that Mary was not holy and that she was only the mother of Jesus, not more...


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