Displaying 181 - 190 of 198.
The question that Copts are asking now is whether the meeting of Pope John Paul II with Pope Shenouda will end or at least quicken the ending of the conflict between the Orthodox and the Catholic Churches. The disagreement goes back to more than 1500 years ago. It centers on a main issue, which is...
Christians in Egypt constitute more than twenty-seven denominations. The Coptic Orthodox is the majority denomination, followed by Coptic Catholics and then Evangelicals who have several denominations. There is just a difference in belief between these denominations, it is not a conflict or a...
Dr. George Carey, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the head of the Episcopal British Church stressed his belief in the importance of building the strongest possible relations between the Islamic and the Christian leaders.
George Carey, the Archbishop of Canterbury, announced that there is nothing that proves that Christians in Egypt are persecuted.
Dr. George Carey, the archbishop of Canterbury and the head of the Episcopal Church had been invited by the Grand Sheik of the Azhar and spoke about religious tolerance between Islam and Christianity.
The Archbishop of Canterbury will meet Pope Shenouda III and the Grand Sheikh of Al Azhar Mohamed Sayyed Tantawi. He will give a lecture at the Azhar on Islamic and Christian tolerance.
The RNSAW gave a summary of both Rose el-Yousef articles in RNSAW, week 28, edition July 9-15, 1999. Since several readers asked for the full text that text is given in this issue together with comments from Evangelical Egyptian church leaders. Wa’el Lotfi writes about the opposition of Egypt’s...
Pope Shenouda expressed his worry about a new phenomena which is spreading in the Protestant and Orthodox Churches. This phenomena is the spread of the Protestant missionaries inside the Orthodox churches. They are trying to convert the Orthodox youth to the Evangelical denomination. This is a...
Gamaal As’ad responds to an article by a Catholic priest in last week’s Rose El-Youssef magazine which attacked the Coptic church, and in which the priest wrote amongst other things concerning the Egyptian Orthodox Church: "these people have transformed our sacred message into shouts and uproars....
Father Dr. Christiaan van Nispen s.j., one of the members of our board of advisors, spoke with Atef Helmy, the author of the article "Fatawi Battles between Christian Denominations" in Rose El-Yousef, February 22-28, 1999 which has been strongly criticized by several Orthodox priests.


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