Displaying 361 - 370 of 1087.
The author comments on the conditions of Muslims in Spain, the first mosque to be established in Granada five centuries after Muslims were driven out of Spain. There are 200,000 Muslims in Spain, including many new converts to Islam. Some examples of new Muslims are given.
The article describes the wedding of the elder son of Abu Hamza Al-Masri, the leader of Ansar Al-Shari´a group, based in London. Many Islamists, including westerners, were present in the wedding and all the songs they sung were about jihad. In the word he gave at the wedding, Abu Hamza urged...
Ahmad Shaheen interviewed former member of the Dutch parliament Judith Belinfante. She is leading an alliance for the sake of peace, including Palestinians and Muslims. Dutch parliament member Zsolt Zabo? represents the VVD and is from Hungarian origin. The MP with two nationalities beliefs...
Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah Ibn Abdel-Aziz called upon Muslims and Christians in Russia to keep the unity of their society and combat any force that tries to create division between the two religions.
There is an inclination to freeze the activities of the Muhagereen [emigrants] fundamentalist movement in Britain due to pressures from the British government and the Muslim community. Islamists in London explained that these pressures are due a fatwa issued by the leader of the group. The fatwa...
The writer sheds light on the status of Muslim communities in the West before and after the events of September 11.
British police is investigating the murder of Egyptian fundamentalist Ahmed Farouq Abdel-Hamid. They discovered that he was a member of the jihad group.
The Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) called upon Christian leaders in the US to intervene in convincing Regina Catholic Secondary School, in Ohio, to reconsider its decision that prevented a Muslim student to have her lessons in school because of wearing the veil.
The largest Islamic community in the US organizes an intensive course for Muslims in the US to teach them how to respond to questions about Islam.
The writer reports the successful campaign organized by American Arab and Muslim organizations since April. They object to President Bush’s nomination of the writer Daniel Pipes to board of the US Institute of Peace. Pipes is known for his strong fanaticism against Islam and Muslims.


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